Welcome to Class #6 – The Best Colored Pencils for Bible Journaling.
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Next Steps: Decide which pencils you’d like to add to your wishlist.
I have Crayola colored pencils but they keep breaking when I sharpen them is it because they’re old I also have the Crayola twistable the large one but they don’t seem to color correctly all of these are pretty old as I bought them for my granddaughter who is 18 years old now when she was in grade school.
That’s a great question Nadine! It’s possible that they are old after so many years, but let’s try something…When pencils dry out they get brittle and don’t lay down a nice smooth color. You can try to revive them with a little bit of humidity (like set them next to a humidifier), but they won’t get quite back to their original state. I would try to revive them, but if they still don’t work well then I would consider replacing them.
Actually, not to be contradictory to Tracie, but I have found that pencils that are constantly breaking are more a sign of softness. I have found in my years of being an artist, that you may notice that lighter colors that have less pigment are prone to breakage, or softer leaded pencils in general, like Prisma color. Either way, whatever the reason -doesn’t really matter =), I have found that buying/using a pencil sharpener for softer leaded pencils (Yes, they’re out there, you may try A.C. Moore… maybe Michael’s, and whenever in doubt, Amazon of course!). I have found that eyeliner sharpeners also work just as well. Basically both cut the lead into a slightly shorter point, alleviating the breakage that occurs at the base of your sharpening when using a standard pencil sharpener. Also keeps you from wasting your pencils! So whenever your having this problem ladies… please go right to this sharpener, I promise it’ll deliver!
You just answered 2 questions I’ve had, and solved 2 of my problems: Better sharpening for eye liners as well as other soft leaded pencils, specifically used in Bible markings,
Tracie, thank you for doing all of these videos! I am really enjoying them!
You’re welcome Rita. I’m glad they are helpful.
I have both Crayola Colored pencils and the Twistables. For some reason I have missed your lessons 3, 4 and 5. Just starting to do journaling and finding these lessons very helpful.
Hi Betty! Email me if you have any trouble accessing the course ok? Just hit reply to any of the ones you’ve received and I will resend them.
Hi love. Email me if you still need them. Happy to resend them to ya!
I am as well !! I have only been tracing templates with my pen because I’m afraid of colored pencils ! ????
I’m not too good at art things but find myself really enjoying my time with God and being able to draw and doodle in my bible. Thank you Tracie for all your videos. Very helpful!
My hubby got me the 150 set of Prismacolor pencils for a birthday gift last month. After watching you use them in a journal, I can’t wait to try them for journaling. And you also answered questions I had about watercolor pencils. Thanks!
Wow! What an amazing hubby you have Georgia! Lucky gal. I’m so glad that this course inspired you to start using them in your Bible.
I love that you share things like the lead going back up, and other things to watch out for. I’ve noticed that consistently throughout the series, and I really appreciate those insights as a consumer.
I have really been enjoying all of your videos, and your Love series of Journaling as well. Your rationale and G.O.D. method for describing what journaling is all about is awesome. I am loving bible journaling but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to have taken off here in Australia (I am in Brisbane) like it has in the US.
Thank you for letting me know you like the GOD method. It’s easy to remember for me 🙂 I’m so glad the videos are helpful. I’m sure Australia will be taking off soon – especially if Hillsong Church gets a hold of it – ha!
Thank so so much for this video, it was extremely helpful, interesting also. Thanks for the links.
I have a small box of prima pencils, I do love them. I have also a box of sergeant color pencils, I like them. I have a nice box of coloré colored pencils I like them. I also have the crayola twistables they are okay. I also have a small town of the Derwent Inktense but I have not tried them yet.
I have always loved art and office supplies. ????
Thank you so much. And I have a small tin of Derwent Inktense pencils. I hate the spell check thing it thinks it knows what I want to say better than me.????
Spell check does the same to me too!
Thank you for this great tutorial! Now I really want the Derwent Inktense Watercolor Pencils. I have their colored pencils but no Watercolors!! I also have the prisma colored pencils which I love. What a fabulous ministry!
Thank you Kathe. Those pencils are really something aren’t they? Thank you for the compliment!
Thank you for such awesome info ❤ your nails are cute too ???? Being new you never know what is a good investment. As I watch your videos I have been adding things to my amazon wish list.
Oh…ha! I try to make sure my nails look good since they are sometimes the only thing you see of me…lol! Thank you for the compliment! I’m glad the Bible journaling videos are helpful!
Thanks for the great videos! Did any of the watercolor or Inktense on this page show through to the other side? You just checked after the first one and then you used more water so I am very curious. (I hate to gesso LOL)
Great question Susan! They didn’t bleed through.
Great! Thanks! Those Bible pages are tougher than they look! (in more than one way of course LOL)
Hello! Can you recommend a pencil sharpener for prisma or any watercolor pencils?
Yes! An electric one!!! I have an old one from the 80’s that sharpens my prisma color pencils without causing the lead to break. Here’s our affiliate link to a newer version: http://amzn.to/2sJ4eCl
I hope this helps!
Buy a pencil sharpen for “soft leaded” pencils, You waste a lot less of them as they are a softer pencil. Also if you can’t find one, or are in a pinch, an eyeliner sharpener will work just as well. I have been working with Prisma color pencils for over 15 years, and I don’t think I would recommend an electric sharpener… if it’s working for you Tracie -more power to ya girl!
I have always used an electric sharpener on my prisma pencils. I have used them for at least 20 years and have very little breakage. But, take care not to drop them on a hard surface as they can break inside the casing. Then when you sharpen them they appear to break. Love my prisma pencils, but since watching the video I may have to try Inktense!
Hi Tracie
Are you hearing a lot of complaints about the Prism color pencils not wanting to sharpen correctly? I have a few in my set of 75 that only sharpen on one side or it feels the sharpner is just eating away at them. Bought withing the past 2 months. I also ordered a set for a friend and she is having the sam problems with some of hers. We are both using the Prism sharpener that came with the sets.
Hi Pam!
I have heard that some people have complaints about them. The problem is the core is so soft. I use an electric pencil sharpener and it works fine for me. I do not like my Prisma scholar sharpener though…it likes to break my pencils. I have to be really careful when I sharpen with that one .
Hey Tracie – was there actually no videos for lessons 5 and 6? Sorry to ask!
Oh yes…there are video lessons for those days. Are you not seeing the video or did you not receive the emails? If you didn’t receive your emails, check your spam folder then email me. I can get those sent to you. If you’re not seeing the video, try clearing your cookies or browser history first then seeing if the videos reload. Thank you!
How can you journal during church? I’m so busy taking notes and I’m lucky to get everything down!!!
Not to mention the difficulty of drawing while balancing the Bible on your lap…..
Hi Tracie,
I have the Staedtler 72 count box of Triangular colored pencils. I used them one time. They seem okay. I bought a box of Koh-I-Noor 24 Polycolor colored pencils from Michael’s that I’ve never used. I plan on returning them. I wanted to get watercolor pencils. I gave up before watching this video – I bought the Artist’s Loft 36 piece Watercolor Pan Set.
What is the difference between the 2 bible mats that Illustrated Faith sells? Thank you for making these videos. They are so helpful for us newbies!
Kathy – The size is the biggest difference. Plus one of the mats has some embossing on it.
Have you ever used the Spectrum Noir Colourblend pencils?
No. I haven’t. Have you? Do you like them?
Tracie, thank you so much for doing these videos. They have helped and I really appreciate them so much. God Bless.
That was great seeing the different brands and styles used. It really answered so many questions I had. Thank you. Love your videos.
I love these videos you put out Tracie! They have so many fun and good ideas! Like the one you did on the bible mat… I know that’s ahead, but I had already been doing the cardstock because I know what you mean about stroke lines and color transfer, (especially with Prisma color), but I never thought of the cutting board idea; GENIUS!!! =) Do you plan on doing a lesson on how to use Flex-a-tif or I don’t know exactly what its called Glasso -or something like that. basically the page
Hi Kelly! Do you mean gesso? If so, yes. It’s part our free Next Level course series that you get after the beginner course:) If not…please let me know the exact name of the product or technique and I will look into it 🙂
Thank you tracie for taking the time to do these videos .
This one really helped me .i was gifted a wide selection of pencils and have also gifted some to others as we share.i was put off with prisma colors price.now i understand the difference.maybe my next purchase.who knows.thanks again !!!
I love all of your videos…thanks for doing this! The Prismacolor is a favorite of mine, too. Next on my list is the Derwent Inktense pencils! They look awesome! 🙂
Hi Tracie
Thank you for the videos. I’ve learnt a lot!
You make everything look so easy.
I like that you used various pencils of various prices. My budget has been low due to health problems, so I only gave some crayons pencils that were given to me.
I would have liked to have been able to see your blending techniques a bit better., as I’m so new.
Hi Tracie,
Thanks for this video. I needed this information. First I am an older grandmother trying to get into Bible journaling for the very first time. I am still researching the right bible for me as I only want to use one ESV bible. I like thin bibles so just may stay with my ESV bible that is not a journaling bible. So here is the thing, I am not able to draw at all, I am a quilter and hand stitcher, so I cannot say I am not artistic,but cannot draw, so exploring mediums and work arounds is where I am right now. I’ll get it, it will just take me awhile. The learning is so much fun for me, I also am bible journaling in my bullet journal as I am a bullet journal devotee.
God is good all the time.
Very helpful video…thank you!
Your page is beautiful
Thank you Debbie!
Can you make the videos so I can enlarge them to full screen?
Thanks Denise. I’ll look into why they don’t on this course. In the meantime, You can always click the link below each video and watch it on YouTube. From there you should have the option to resize.
Thanks, this is so helpful – I will try prisma colors
Thank you so much for making Bible Journaling for beginners available. Thanks Jeanne L
Great class. Thank you.
Thank you for the class!!
I love how you actually show the difference in the different pencils. I am so enjoying these classes. God Bless you and your ministry!
I really enjoy these classes, I have really learned a lot from you,. thank you so much
Hi. On a completely different subject – I love your different manicures.
thank you so much!
One suggestion: If you’re using the watercolor or Inktense pencils on the go, get a water brush – or a pack of 3. They look like a pen with a clear plastic barrel. They have actual brush bristles. You unscrew the cap and bristles, fill with water, and screw the top back on. I even use these at my craft table. I was lucky to find a set of 3 in different sizes at Michael’s pretty cheap. A few companies make them now. They’re also good w/watercolor paints and dye inks. They might also be good when journaling w/your kids – less messy than a cup of water, and no spills.
Excellent tip! I love these types of brushes when I travel 🙂
Loved this video! I’ve never tried water color because it made me a little nervous. You make it look so easy. I will be giving that a try in my near future. 🙂
Tracie, I have all kinds of pencils, i.e. Prismacolor, Spectrum Noir, Crayola and inexpensive ones. I use them according to the my mood and what which ones will give me the best results.
Thank you Tracie. This was very informative. I have punched Prismacolor pencils. First I need to build up my nerve to color code a bible as a gift. Then my next step will be bible journaling in a notebook. You make it look so easy.
Thank you for your videos. I’m learning so much. I bought a set of Prisma pencils to use. And I’m not coloring in my body bible directly, I’m coloring in a journal with the study # so I can keep up. Thanks for trying all of those out for us. Im afraid of the watercolors just yet.
Thank you for all the options for coloring in the Bible. My favorite are Prismacolor and water color pencils for certain projects.