This $97 value is yours FREE!
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The Bible Journaling Ministries FREE Bible journaling course is designed for beginners. There is no cost at all! The only request that we make is that you participate in the course. That means that you watch the videos and give Bible journaling a try. That's it! It's easy. Here's what's included:
Lesson 1: Quick Start
- Lesson 2: How to Find Scripture
- Lesson 3: Finding the Best Bible
- Lesson 4: Protecting Your Workspace
- Lesson 5: Tracing
- Lesson 6: Colored Pencils!
- Lesson 7: Coloring in Your Bible
- Lesson 8: Tip-ins
- Lesson 9:Â Stickers + Bonus*
- Lesson 10: Bonus*'s a secret.
- *Bonuses include printable stickers in .pdf format.
When Do I Get My First Course?
You will receive an email after you sign up for this course. It includes the first course! You'll receive the next class on the next day for ten days in a row. Please save the emails so you have access to the course at a later date. Since this is a free course, we can't resend them to you. Sorry!
If you don't open the emails, your email system will think that you don't want them. Please open them! Otherwise, your email provider will stop allowing our emails to get to you. We're trying to send them, but your email provider will eventually block them if you don't open them.
What Supplies are Needed?
We recommend that you take begin the course prior to buying supplies so that you don't buy things you don't want or need. A list of budget supplies and high-quality high-value supplies is provided in class #1.
Why is This Bible Journaling Course Free?
This course took hundreds of hours to design, film, edit, and launch. All of my friends think I'm completely crazy for putting that much work into something that's free. But, here's my response to all of the "eye-rolling" and perplexed looks:
Everyone should have the opportunity to grow in the Word regardless of their location, schedule, or budget. Period.Â
The content that is shared in this 10-day course is necessary to understand the basics and feel comfortable beginning the process of Bible journaling. This course answers almost all of the beginner questions that I have answered since starting this ministry.
Will Future Courses Be Free?
Future courses will have a small fee associated with them, but they're not necessary courses. They will build upon this foundational course. We continue to share technique videos on our YouTube, which are free! We also give away a monthly freebie printable (valued at $4.99) to everyone who is on our email list. If you take this course, you'll automatically be signed up for that freebie. Yay!
Can I Share This Course?
Yes. You can share this free Bible journaling course...but share this page only. Please don't share any of the course pages or freebies that we mail you. It's unfair to the person that you're sending it to because they miss out on our special announcements and other freebies.
Can I Unsubscribe?
Absolutely! Just click the "unsubscribe" link on any of our emails and you will give your seat up. You won't receive any emails or get notifications from us including our monthly freebies.
What Do I Need to Download the Files?
You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to download our free files. Most computers already have it installed. However, if yours does not, you can download it for free on their website.
This is a wonderful gift to me. I have been “planning on” starting my journaling but am beyond lost in how to start, where to start, or what supplies I need. I’m so excited because now I feel like it’s possible due to this class and the fact that I am still dealing with what Hurricane Irma did to my job I wouldn’t be able to pay for the class. So thankyou and God Bless You!
Good luck on your project. Just remember art is never perfect. I look forward to starting
Thank you
Thank you
I just like all free stuff as l can’t afford to buy anything thanks đ
Am read to start the course
I simply ADORE this course!
Such a fun, friendly way to learn some new techniques and perfect for me as a beginner!
Thank you, I so appreciated this course. I have been an avid journal writer for decades . I wanted to get involved in Bible Journaling, but I felt overwhelmed by the amount of supplies that I felt was required. You made it easy, and I’m using the opportunity when I study scripture to journal to express my creativity
Sign for free
Would you like our 10-day FREE Bible Journaling Course? Register Below!
Enter your name and email to get your first course!
This $97 value is yours FREE!
Hi everything about the 10 day free bible journaling course is incredibly helpful ???? I love that you take the purchasing of affordable products into consideration. Thanks so much for all the help â¤
I am thrilled to find a course like this that wil give me information so I can better understand how to work with my bible.
Thank you so much for this free course .
Itâs a blessing . God bless you for doing this
Thank you very much for the opportunity to use the free course! Bless you âĄ
So looking forward to doing this.
Thank you for this course. I have always written in my Bibles but not realizing what I was actually doing. Thank you, and God bless you. Jeannette Clark
I am trying to get signed up for the free intro classes but when I get to the verification box after entering my email and name it will not allow me to click the verify button…. ????
I am so sorry it isn’t taking your email. What email are you using to sign up with? You can email me directly at and we can see why you aren’t getting through. Thanks for your interest! xoxo
I have taken a Bible Journaling class recently. Has been such a blessing for me. Am in the process of moving and after I get settled and have all my supplies organized, I would like to continue my journey through the Bible. It will be several months before I can return to the journal. Thank you for the freebies that I can save for later.
Tried to sign up but will not let me submit.
Hi Kim! Please send an email to support at – We can get you signed up with your written permission.
I have always been more a writer than an artist. In fact, I still use stick figures. However, I have a daughter (only 5 now) who seems to LOVE drawing, singing, dancing, and all things expressive. I had never heard of this technique before yesterday when I stumbled across the idea online. I believe this will be a lovely way for me to bridge the way my daughter and I will continue to talk about and relate to Scripture, and each other, as she grows. Thank you!
What an amazing way to spend time with your daughter!
I typed in the wrong email address. Can I resubmit.
Of course!
I can’t signup. The reCAPTCHA doesn’t show up entirely on either of my screens in order to find out what the question is and answer it. How do I proceed?
Hey Rebecca! Please send a screenshot of what youâre seeing on your end as well as what device you are using and what browser you are using to support @ bible journaling ministries . com
Lonny can help you out.
Just tuned in on your YouTube channel and heard about your
10-day FREE Bible Journaling Course? I am interested if still available. Thank you.
It is đ If you don’t see it on this page you can go here:
When I enter my email address in for the free 10day course and hit submit button, The screen with the pictures come up and I can’t see the full screen. What am I doing wrong HELP
Don’t worry I have used another computer
Hey Heather! Please send a screenshot of what you’re seeing on your end as well as what device you are using and what browser you are using to support @ bible journaling ministries . com
Lonny can help you out.
I received the first day’s introductory email on Friday, and watched the four videos included in that email. However, I haven’t received anything further, and today is Monday. I’m anxious to continue, and am hoping you can help!!
Hey Barbara! I see that your emails are getting to you so I’m not sure if there is a specific question to answer. You can reply to the email I sent you if you have another question and we can help!
Hi, My mom passed away yesterday. I am interested in Bible Journaling but just not right now.
Kathy – I’m sorry for your loss.
I cannot get the verification block to engage in order to sign up for the 10 day course.
I signed up but never received the first email. I looked in my spam too. Not sure what to do now. Register again?
I’m not showing you in our system Anne. Can you please try again? Thank you!
Just recommitted back on my walk with the Lord! Perfect timing
Amen – that’s awesome!
Please fix the verification screen!! Cannot screenshot it for support to help. What love to participate in free course but I guess not
Hey Beverly – please try again. I just updated it đ
I wish I had time to do this. We are leaving for a summer long motorcycle ride to alaska and back, but maybe when I get back.
Can I take part in this? I live in Norwich, England.
Will I have to purchase items from America, I have a journaling bible and a complete guide to journaling.
I do not have a web-site, will this stop me taking part?
Yes you can join and there is no need to purchase anything. I explain what you need in class 1 đ
Thank you SO much. Very helpful. Bought my journaling Bible this week. Can’t wait to start but I am so afraid to mess it up. These classes are SO inspiring. Thank you once again.
I am anxious to start this course. Please send my first lesson today. Thank you for caring and offering this to all.
Is this where I sign up for the free course? I couldnât find anywhere else on the website, thank you
Yep! You have to put your name and email in the form above đ
Where do I sign up for the first class? Not seeing a place to do this, or did I miss out?
The box to subscribe is under the video. It may take a few seconds to load.
Really excited to start journaling Godâs word. I love coloring and now want to take the plunge. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to begin.
Trying to sign up for free bible journal course
HI Juanita – you can use this hosted form to register:
Thank you for your ministry and kindness. My budget is tight, and Iâm trying to be a good steward of our Lords provisions. This sight is a God send. Iâm going to the 10 day course you talked about. God Bless abundantly.
I am excited to learn to focus more on Godâs word.
I have always “doodled” in my bibles and they get pretty messy after awhile. I am looking forward to do something that someone after me could see and make sense of it. Thank you.
Thank you Cant wait for Bible Jornaling Course
Tyvm for the kindness and love â¤ď¸ I look forward to receiving all the info and enjoying my daily sojourn with God in scriptures. Have a wonderful blessed day.
Thank you! Blessings….
I would love a class absolutely….
Thank you for encouraging me in the Word!
Looking forward to this! Thank you!!
Thank you for this free course. Looking forward to starting my Bible Journaling
great idea thanks for the chance to win!
Thank you ! God bless you and your Bible Ministries!
Thank you for this great chance to know Jesus more. I’m personally struggling in knowing the who Jesus really is. My heart us crying out loud. I just don’t know what to believe in. I’m so sorry. I need your guidance. I hope this is the answer for my troubled heart. God bless us all.
He hears you my sweet friend! This will be a fun way to get to know Him better. The best way to know about the character of Jesus is to pray and be in His Word. Consider going through Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John Books of the Bible. They are called the Gospels and are a great way to learn more about Jesus.
I am looking for a comprehensive introduction to and how to on Bible Journaling. At least with your Ministry, you get to try it before you have to hand any money over. Being an Aged Pensioner on a very fixed income, this is vitally important to me. Anything under $20.00 is doable because it comes out of the grocery budget, and when you are alone, you don’t need much. I hope I get what I need out of this course. I recently lost my better half of 35 yrs and am truly lost. I am hoping that by coming back to my Holy Father through His Word will help me. Thank you.
I am going round the bend. I have been looking for the Proverbs 24:13 Kit everywhere and cannot find it. Please just send me the file. I am at my wits end and going to bed now because my head is about to explode.
Yours with thanks
Rose Watz
Hi Rose!
So sorry you can’t find it – I’ll get it to you!
Is your 10-dy Free Bible Journaling Course still available?
If so, where do I register?
Yes it’s at the top of this page or if it’s not loading you can find it here:
The class will be fascinating and interesting.
This is so awesome!
ok thank you
Can’t wait to start
I have been trying to sign up for your free course( have tried several times), but nothing has been sent. Help plz! đ
Oh no!! I’m so sorry! Please check your spam and if you don’t see it, please email support at bible journaling ministries dot com. Thank you!
This is August 2023, is the momentum still going or was it an old project? so many of the videos are old so I wasn’t sure if it is still a current project. I loved the free journaling class, I was bummed that the illustrative mat was no longer available but I did get the chopping mats from Dollar Tree, cut one in half for the bible, and use the other to protect my surface until I can get a Ranger Mat.
Great question! Momentum is still going đ We’re over 70 classes and devotionals strong.
Just FYI, the Click Here link to register at the top doesn’t seem to work and I didn’t find a Registration button below as suggested either. I would love to register for this 10 day for beginners. Have been enjoying my first time with your conference these past 3 days. đ
Try to register by using this link instead.
Thank you so much for offering this course for free. I have Stage 4 Cancer and on disability, I really want to learn the word of God and I really canât afford to pay for courses and materials, Iâm still paying for an education that Iâm no longer able to use. I truly appreciate this opportunity to learn more about God.
You’re welcome! I’m so glad it’s helpful! We do offer a freebie every month and our youtube account has tons of videos that encourage you to use what you have. I hope they can be a blessing as well.
So excited to learn this
So glad you are here with us!