Joining the He Created Bible Journaling Study
There is no charge for joining the He Created study. You will be able to answer the weekly prompts using the calendar and mini-kit provided. To participate join our Facebook Group – Bible Journaling for Beginners and search for “#HeCreatedStudy” to find the weekly prompts. To join the group click here:
There are multiple options to do the study. The devotional and kits are designed to help you take a deeper dive into the Word and start applying biblical principles to your life. They are not required, but they’re a fun way to grow in the Word creatively!
- Join Momentum – Momentum members get just about everything for only $25/month. Click here to learn more.
- Subscribe to the 2018 kits – New for 2018! You can get all of the 2018 devotionals and their corresponding kit as they release for only $52. That’s $1/Week. You also get the How to Study Bible Topics Guide and worksheets Click here to purchase.
- Purchase the kit by itself –New for 2018! Purchase the Renew devotional and kit for only $7. You’ll also get the How to Study Bible Topics Guide and worksheets. Click here to purchase.
- Free option – To get the calendar and free mini-kit for Renew, please scroll to the bottom of this article and register for our emails before March 31, 2018. If you are on the email list and haven’t received it, please check your spam!
Imagine how wonderful it would be if you could walk in the divine power of God every day, simply by connecting with the creative nature of His Kingdom? Well you can, because it’s already within you. Since the beginning of time, God’s children have had the power to release their creative expressions, demonstrating their love for Him.
The Trinity is Creative
God (created the Heavens and earth, Genesis 1:1), Jesus (was a carpenter Mark 6:3), and the Holy Spirit are creative (Exodus 35:31). Because you are created in God’s image and filled with the Holy Spirit, you are also creative. But that doesn’t mean that you have to paint or be an artist. You can be an engineer, stay-at-home mom, a teacher, accountant, etc., and use your creativity in what you do every day, putting your whole heart into the process.
The Story of Creation
The creation story is where we become a part of God’s plan, witnessing our creation through Adam and Eve, and ultimately discovering our humanity. In Genesis 1:1, we realize God’s purpose for our existence, made in His image and likeness. Talk about the ultimate in creativity! Doesn’t it make sense that, as part of God’s workmanship, we were created to do good work here on earth? The perfect example of “good work” is to embrace our creative gifts for the Kingdom of God.
How to Embrace Creativity for the Kingdom of God
Life can sometimes get in the way of making time to embrace our creativity. If this is a problem you’re familiar with, the following suggestions will help you focus. Consider making time for them.
Task 1: Identify Your Gifts
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal your creative gifts, ask others around you what they think, and ask yourself what you’re most passionate about.
- What do you do as a hobby because it’s fun? Maybe you haven’t considered it worthy of more time or effort because it’s so fun.
- What’s burning inside of you that you tend to push down because of other priorities?
- What do people say you’re naturally good at?
- What do you love doing?
- What do you dream about doing?
- What do you get excited about?
- What do you do in your “free” time?
Ask, ask, ask until you’ve identified your gifts.
Task 2: Seek Guidance
Turn to the Bible and research everything it says about your particular gift. Did anyone in the Bible have it? What did they do? For example, David had a gift for singing amongst other things. He sang of the Lord in front of his people to encourage them and to teach them. Many of the apostles had the gift of evangelism. What did they do? Where did they go?
Pray that God would guide you to use your gifts in a way that’s honoring and glorifying Him. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His plans for you. Talk to your pastor or mentor, and ask those around you whom you trust what they think about your gifts and how you should use them.
Task 3: Cultivate Your Gifts
Cultivate your gifts by reading, learning, practicing, failing, and getting back up. Rinse and repeat. Use your gifts for His glory. Nothing is too small or too big. In no specific order, use your gifts to:
- Provide for your family and those around you
- To lead others to God
- To encourage others
- To take care of the needy
Follow Jesus’ example. He did all of these things and so much more.
Task 5: Embrace Your Uniqueness
It’s so easy to look at what others are doing and say, “I can’t do it as well as she can, I don’t have the resources, and I’m not good enough.” Don’t do that! God made you with purpose. You have exactly what you need to do the task in front of you that needs to get done today.
“Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:34 NIV).
Task 6: Go Create!
Faith is at the core of our beliefs and the foundation of our loving relationship with God. It’s the foundation through which we hold the Gospel’s truths in our daily lives. The actions we take give us the innate ability to live in God’s likeness. Through our actions we work, we create, and we dream. So, don’t hesitate to not only have faith, but to embrace creativity and your uniqueness.
By discerning our call cooperatively, we allow God to restore us to our true purpose. When we allow our creativity to flow as God designed at home, at work, and in our community, our lives exemplify the very words Jesus prayed: “your kingdom come and your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).
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I love Momentum, and this ministry! I would love to win this drawing and anything that is given I will let be! It’s all on my list! I love learning new techniques and how to use new products. I watched the video where Tracie was showing all the goodies she was ncluding in this drawing ….so awesome! Thank you Tracie!
I would love to when these gifts. I have learned so much about myself and how to better use my gifts. Thank you for allowing yourself to be used by God.