Yay! It’s here and long overdue! We like to introduce our Creative Faith Crew each term and somehow we have missed getting this one out until now. Better late than never, and this team deserves all the accolades!
At Bible Journaling Ministries, our mission is to help others grow in the Word creatively, but we don’t do that alone. The Bible says that two are better than one (Ecclesiastes 4:9), and thank goodness for that! There are many volunteers, freelancers, and two employees behind the scenes that make things come together in our ministry all for the glory of God.
About the Creative Faith Crew Bible Journaling Design Team
The Creative Faith Crew Bible journaling design team’s role is to encourage and inspire others through Bible journaling. They share their creations on various social media platforms and in their local community. By sharing the Word in a creative way, they pique the interest of those who find beauty in their art but may not know Jesus Christ, help those may be struggling with opening their Bible to find more joy in doing so, and encourage someone who regularly reads the Bible to read it more or worship in a new way. Through their efforts, the Lord is glorified! And isn’t that what it’s all about?
If you’re interested in learning more about the Creative Faith Crew Bible journaling design team, click here. Make sure you’re following our blog, on our newsletter (scroll down), or following our Facebook Page so that you’re the first to know when it’s time to apply.
Meet the Second Creative Faith Crew Bible Journaling Design Team
Amanda Hargrove – Team Lead
I am a happily married wife of 24 years to an amazing man, Andy. A momma to two beautiful children, Adam (17) and Alayna (11). I work at my daughter’s school in the cafeteria and help prepare lunches to feed precious preschoolers every day. I enjoy it, as I know the Lord has placed me there with amazing co-workers, I get to be on campus with my daughter all day and I get a healthy discount in tuition!
The Lord has taught me so much patience and grace with my son, he was born with Down syndrome and later diagnosed with Autism. He is nonverbal and completely dependent on my husband and I. He is our miracle baby and our special treasure. Both of my kiddos are! I was born and raised in KY and am a constant guzzler of sweet tea!

Ruth 1:16 – By Amanda
I am so excited to get to know you over the next three months! I pray you will feel welcome and feel you can be open with us here. Our goal is to grow creatively in His word and share our creativity. Blessings!!!!
Here’s Amanda’s design using our Ruth Vintage Camper Bible journaling Kit.
Ruth 1:16 But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God.
Aaron Pickard-Acker
Hello my beautiful sisters and brothers. My name Aaron Pickard-Acker. I have been journaling for 10 months. I started because my father went to be with the Lord March 6,2018 and I need to find a way to understand why and where I needed to go from where I was.
I am a mother on 3 Dawson 18, Haylee 16 and Noah 10
I am married to the sweetest man named Justin. We’ve knew each other for 28 years (lived on the same still on that street
God has blessed us with so much in our life. We couldn’t have done the things we have without him.
I am a worker mom as a DM of 13 stores. I love to volunteer at my church and at scouting.
I truly hope that we can grow together in our faith. I know he Lord has huge things planned for each one us. I pray that we are able to grow in the word together. She manages
and Sisterofchristbiblejournaling.
Here’s Aaron’s design using our Bee Yourself Bible journaling Kit.
Nikki Bunch
Hello sweet friends! I’m Nicole, I’m 18 years old, & I am a lover of Jesus! I am a full time college student, & am getting ready to graduate with my Associate’s Degree. I am an artist, a dog lover, & adventurer! I enjoy most things fitness-related, spending time outdoors, & reading. I love spending time in God’s word & have been Bible-journaling for about two
years. I am blessed to have the relationship with God that I do, & can’t wait to see where He takes me in this wonderful journey called life!
Here’s Nikki’s design using our Matthew 6:20– Creative Faith Crew Bible journaling Kit in her planner.
Taylor Jessee Myers
Hi! My name is Taylor Myers. I’m from Kingsport, TN and I’m so excited to be apart of this crew! I started bible journaling back in 2015 and I love the journey it has taken me on! I have a ton of bibles that I love to journal in. I love how bible journaling allows me to be creative and in God’s word at the same time! I love reading and scrapbooking in my free time as
well! I have been married for almost two years and we just recently welcomed the arrival of our baby girl in October 2018! I am a preschool teacher and I love to use my creative side when teaching the little kiddos.
Here’s Taylor’s design using our I Will Seek You Bible journaling digital stamp.
Missy Brown
Wife and mom of three. One in college, middle school, and elementary school just to keep things interesting. Two boys and one girl never leaving a dull moment at our house. I have loved all things paper, pens, and markers for as long as I can remember. Back to school supply shopping was always one of my favorite times of the year. I have paper crafted for most of my life. From a little scrapbooking, to zentangle, to the planner world, and many things in between.
I have tried a lot of different things, but about 4 years ago I saw a Bible journaling page on Pinterest, and I found my creative outlet. Bible Journaling has completely changed my relationship with God’s word, and I have a passion for sharing that with others. I love taking all kinds of paper crafting and incorporating that into my Bible journaling. From ink to stamps and dies it all goes in the margins of my Bible.
My hubby, kids, and serving at church keep me busy, but any down time you can find me at my messy table Bible journaling or some other type of paper crafting. From junk journals to flip books I love when creativity and faith collide. You will often find my 14 year old daughter, Josie, and my 9 year old son, Parker, right beside me.
Here’s Missy’s design using our Choose Hope Mini Bible journaling Kit.
Mary Elizabeth
Hello Sweet friends. My name is Mary Elizabeth Contreras. I am 47 years young and have two beautiful daughters. My greatest joy was becoming a glamma aka ( memo) to our Kaylee Grace. I am happily married to my high school sweetheart Joseph Contreras. We enjoy teaching together on
Monday’s to a group of 4th grade kiddos at our church. Bible journaling to me has been life changing, it has taught me that my faith isn’t a destination it is a daily process of digging deeper into God’s word & promises. Worshiping and journaling has helped me experience that in a creative way, by combining faith & art. I was called to create and encourage others through this ministry.
Here’s Mary’s design using our John 15:9 Creative Faith Crew Bible Journaling Kit.
Msedenika Hall
Hello everyone, my name is Eliza. I’m 33 years old and I have a 10 year old son. I live in Atlanta, Georgia. I’m originally from Florida. I’m really excited to have been chosen. I just started bible journaling and it has helped me a lot in dealing with my own issues. I found it to be a great way for me to worship God and understand how to apply the scripture to my life.
My goal is to inspire others to find a way to get closer to God.
Here’s Eliza’s design using our John 12:23 Be Glorified Bible Journaling Kit
We hope you enjoyed meeting the first Creative Faith Crew Bible journaling design team and can’t wait to share more with you.

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